Treetrunk Records

Home Page For Treetrunk Records

Mister Vapor- Beyond The Velvet Sky [treetrunk 261]

This 6-hour piece was created using sferics, or atmospheric discharges from the Earth. It debuted in its entirety on Stillstream radio in 2009, and was played on Chestnut Tree radio once again in 2012. The piece has often been requested and asked about, so here it is.

Beyond The Velvet Sky at

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The Ghost Between The Strings and Mystified- Ghostbone 2 [treetrunk 260]

In this sequel to Ghostbone (Webbed Hand Records, 2011), The Ghost Between The Strings and Mystified further explore collaborative sounds based on the trombone and guitar. Expect more drones, and deeper complexity.

Ghostbone 2 at

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Phillip Wilkerson with Mystified- Complex Silence 32 [treetrunk 259]

“While these two tracks do take a somewhat darker turn than usual for a Complex Silence release, they also accurately represent the distinct musical signatures of each musician. You can easily hear the light ambient signature of Phillip and you can equally distinguish the massive, brooding drone signature of Mystified. Phillip soars and sighs through the upper end of the scale while Mystified dwells in the depths, adding an ominous earthiness as counterpoint to Phillip’s optimistic airiness. The two signatures merge well to weave a musical tale of time and intensity, of what was and what is yet to be–pulling the listener into the collaboration as well, to fill in their own personal details.”– PCW, February 2013

Complex Silence 32 at

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A Short Term Effect- Monument [treetrunk 258]

“The aim of this album was to make eternal static sound sculptures– a sonic magma always in a slow movement like a basic organism, but at the same time stable as a monument, something that could give the impression of staying in another dimension.”– A Short Term Effect, 2013

Monument at

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pato cós- ir [treetrunk 257]

“Work based on ‘Frictionalized’ by Anthony ‘Shake’ Shakir. Siamese themes, the first being a reflection on the second and, thus, on itself.”– 2013, the author

ir at

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Jii-Music- Beneath [treetrunk 256]

“Textures arise from a single wave sound in a blink of an eye, and suddenly you are overwhelmed by elegantly assembled soundscapes… From those sound crafted landscapes you do not know whether you’re in a dream-land full of strange creatures that roam the dark, or in a futuristic simulation of the long-gone past, but either path you choose, Jii-Music shows us that there are still dark lands in these earth yet to be discovered. Inspired by Eliane Radigue.”– Jiibay, 2013

Beneath at

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