Treetrunk Records

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Kinematik VKE- Nix and Hydra [treetrunk 301]

In the vastness of space Pluto seems like a castoff in Neptunes wake. But she is not alone among the presence of her children. Nix, the mythological mother of Charon, lies next to it’s companion Pluto. The small yet mighty dwarf planet seems to cradle it, a universal protector. She and her sister Hydra circle Pluto as single yet kindred warriors bound in silence. Intrepid explorers walking upon the frozen landscapes are treated to a vision of barren and blistered expanses of ice and dust underfoot. Standing alone on the precipice of a dark and fearful abyss you can feel the chill of a strange windless cold that seems to burn its way through skin and bone.

Nix and Hydra at

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Stefan Paulus- Cartographies of Erehwon [treetrunk 300]

“Cartographies of Erehwon” is a remix of field recordings taken by Stefan Paulus during the last 10 years: Phonocartographies of harbor cities, bars, stone pits, churches and mosques. Reverberations of children playing in a backyard in Istanbul, flies in the Carpathian Mountains, street noise in Sarajevo or the buzz of the police and airport transmitters in New York, Illinois or Amsterdam. “Cartographies of Erehwon” are blurred recollections of transits across altering realities and areas of deterritorialization.

Cartographies of Erehwon at

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Scott Lawlor with Mister Vapor- The Eternal Torment Of Prometheus [treetrunk 299]

“This was the moment he longed for each day, or was it an hour, or a day or an eternity? It didn’t matter, he hovered near death, his heart slowed to an almost unimaginable lethargy and he would in all appearances be dead. His mind reached further and further into the void as his physical form waited for the inevitable extraction of the vital organ, and after the body recovered from the shock of such an event, sleep would come to regenerate his physical being and the torment would continue until time itself faded away into the void of eternal space.”– Scott Lawlor, 2014

The eternal Torment of Prometheus at

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