Treetrunk Records

Home Page For Treetrunk Records

Thomas Park- Viral Threat [treetrunk 507]

Jack Had A Bug

And It Became The Bug Of All Bugs
Tracks recorded in real-time using a combination of generative and live looping techniques, working roughly in tandem.

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Thomas Park- Big Fat Bomb [treetrunk 506]

A Big Fat Bomb

Took Out A Whole Town
Recorded in real-time using live and generative looping techniques by Thomas Park.

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Thomas Park- Alive In Prehistory’s Dream [treetrunk 505]

I had a dream that modernity had failed, in a way– really,that it had never happened. Restaurants, beneath a thin veneer, were fire-lit caves, football games were hunting grounds. Life was, at its essence, savage– and Modern Classical music, with its pulse, denoted its constant savagery, like the beating of a heart in the chest of panicked prey.

All tracks composed in real-time using Generative Python code created by Thomas Park.

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Thomas Park With Harry Partch- Harry Partch Iterations [treetrunk 504]

This release features recordings of Harry Partch’s works using his original instruments, which were then treated generatively by Thomas Park using original Python code.

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Thomas Park- Escaping Physics In Dub [treetrunk 503]

All tracks recorded in real-time using original Generative Python code by Thomas Park.

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Thomas Park- Mystified Reiterations [treetrunk 502]

I brought out sets of older, classic-era Mystified tracks, and used my new Generative Python methods to work out some iterative versions. Enjoy!

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