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DJ Frankenstone- A Flame Was Behind The Mountain [treetrunk 766]

Short Poetic Dream 20220820163917363223

or, “A Flame Was Behind The Mountain”

by Thomas Park

everything is all we have

and everywhere seems sand by view

a party descended with her

the eunuch departed

is it not enough

after passing though it all

these awful phenomenae

with an air of

a hundred arbours

placed between these barren yet glittering nights

my wits were not idle

complaining for the want of

red and yellow banners to satiate

to result in early accession

in spite of their love of their sovereign

o commander of our


I set forth from such duties

behind the mountain

a volume of flame

danced with burning delight

and was seized by the impious

inflamed with their infernal liquor

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Sci Fi Industries and Thomas Park- Chickasaw Dreamlands- Barbed-Wire Partitions- The Stones Of Chickasaw Remixes [treetrunk 765]

Short Poetic Dream 20220815033830074606

or “Dream Lands Partitioned By Barbed Wire”

by Thomas Park

wars in which the Nordics

stopped in Nebraska

tributary of the others

each generation the names applied

seeking farms in the States

English settlers on their arrival

independently from a considerable

importation could be found

the fifth century by Attila

that the Ulster Scots were

their union

the French had established a trading

that by a later date had been made 

by the long farmers

the nations they were known

England and Northern France

in this period the discovery

how vast were the great plains

Americans were almost unanimously now

finding the city ordinances strict

the United States, flags

the old white stock in

the American Union 

while in Dakota was

sending on settlers

according to their large numbers

In 2022, the artist behind the band Sci Fi Industries gave me permission to create some iterations of his tracks from the Thisco Album, “The Stones Of Chickasaw”. This release presents these unique remixes to the public. We hope that you enjoy them.

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DJ_Iterate- Pioneering Venue Influx [treetrunk 764]

Short Poetic Dream 20220814213751790360

or “Code Club Wear” by Thomas Park

be challenged

joints to dance to music

longest running is still going

circulating of all involvement and

disco after she pioneered the floor

a series of acts

in the first discotheque opened

this was the whisky

dance in peace

became popular and is the

performance by artists 

a night of famous discotheques included

place in the nether regions

the regular usage of the

gogo set

group of bouncers to screen cocaine

aspects of the disco club

broadway prostitutes served

early in New York disco

on turntables during the 

united glam and

aesthetics of the bands included

mercury settling in 

patronized by youth called there

a nightclub disco or simply

also the early punk scene

certain type of clientele is

out of the earlier mandrake

sinful offered in addition to

flashing such as amyl nitrite

and nightclubs since the early

locals opened the first large

strange new phenomenon of public

discotheque in on east street


on turntables during 

the early venues with a

code club wear for glowing

a recently renovated 

and the rose they are

of many celebrities favor these

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Mystified And Bart Hawkins- Bell’s Theorem: The Dub Remixes [treetrunk 763]

Short Poetic Dream 20220814195749128180

or “A Given Mixed State” by Thomas Park

called pure quantum 

a given mixed state of the electron 

a statistical mixture is not wide spread

its momentum the result of

the quantum number and the spin

pure states are also known

as a mixture 

associated with a mathematical,

the observable quantity as the energy

measurements exhibit tradeoffs 

a multitude of ways to write

and the spin of

states are a different type

applying particularly when they are possible to observe

the spin of the first

that act on Hilbert pure

a wide spread of possibility

that implies a narrow spread

the angular momentum quantum numbers

are represented by density which

is observed both possibilities occurring

the mathematical formulation

constituting a pure state


‘I was browsing social media when I came across a link to Bart Hawkins’ new release, “Bell’s Theorem”. Identifying Bart as a label-mate, I stopped by, and really enjoyed the work. It was great and beautiful ambient music, and the ideas behind it were cool, too. I liked the idea of these particles that retain a quality of proximity and relatedness in some hard-to-define way, even after leaving one another’s presence. That parts of the universe can become associated with one another, never forgetting ithat. I created a nice set of dub-trancy remixes, using Bart’s songs as samples with other sounds. Bart then worked these into this very nice mix work, combining many of the subworks into one.’ –Thomas Park, 2022

This release contains both Thomas’ remixes of Bart’s originals, and a larger combined remix of Thomas’ remixes composed by Bart. This remix, “Caught Inside The Detection Loophole”, can be found, along with more of his great music, at his Bandcamp page.

Here are Bart’s links:

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